Tales From The Desert – Amar chitra katha

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Princess Maru is married, at the age of one and a half, to Prince Dhola. When she grows up, she is shocked to realise that Dhola’s parents have ignored the marriage and wedded their son to another girl.
When the Sultan of Gujarat sees Kanwal dance, he is so set on marrying her, that he decides to kill her bethrothed, Kehar.
An apsara named Hothal is dissatisfied with her luxurious celestial life in Indra’s court. But when she is born on earth, she finds herself facing both sorrow and misfortune.
The arid desert lands of Rajasthan and Gujarat are home to a colourful tradition of folk tales. These tales are told and retold in many forms -as ballads, plays or lilas and the vibrant Bhavai or folk theatre of Gujarat.
