Tintin Cigars Of The Paraoh

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Tintin Cigars Of The Pharaoh Graphic Novel Edition centers on the Egyptologist, Dr. Sarcophagus. Tintin accompanies him to Egypt in search of the tomb of Kih-Oskh, a Pharaoh.

The journey is not devoid of obstacles. Tintin encounters the highly disagreeable businessman Roberto Rastapopoulos on the cruise to Egypt. Throughout the cruise Tintin faces a number of problems from the cocaine found in his cabin to getting locked in the hold of the ship.

However, nothing deters him as he and Sarcophagus search for Kih-Oskh?s tomb. Tintin discovers a cigar with a strange yin-yang symbol, which is revealed as the symbol of the Pharaoh. Thus unfolds another set of obstacles. Sarcophagus disappears and Tintin gets himself trapped inside the tomb.


